Monday, January 14, 2013

Two Years Later - Finally A Big Ass Update

Here is the short tl;dr update of everything that has happened, mostly in 2012. I found out I have Type 1 diabetes and have to stick myself with needles 3 times a day for the rest of my life, got Sarcoidosis in various organs, Iritis in my eyes, another unknown eye issue that no one can figure out what it actually is but I might require injections into my eyeballs, appendicitis and needed to have an appendectomy which then got an internal infection and landed me straight back in hospital, an enlarged heart that does not pump at normal capacity, parents got fully divorced and lost their house, moved back in with my grandparents.

Fuck all that, 2012 has legit been one of the best years of my life.

I also went overseas for the first time in my life, visited USA and stayed in L.A. and Las Vegas. I went to Comic Con Australia and dressed up as Batman and stayed with good internet friends from interstate and had heaps of fun. I got into online dating and actually went on some dates, did some other things, got into a relationship, made friends, surprised myself, surprised other people.

I am going to go into more details about all of these things over the coming days / weeks because there is no way I could go into details about all of these things in one massive post, you would die of boredom and no one wants to read that much about some guy on the internet's life all at once. So stay tuned if you're interested in reading some crazy, interesting, sad, happy, exciting, and sometimes downright shocking stories.

(Yes, I really am going to start posting regularly again now... I promise)


  1. You know what? Good for you. I thought the end of your post was going to turn out much differently, but you managed to see more good than bad in the past year.

    That's really inspiring. :)

    I'm sorry about your health condition but a good attitude is great medicine!! Keep it up!
